I've started posts a bunch of times, and nothing has seemed right. I'm going free flow this morning, and we'll see what happens.
Work is annoying. Apparantly, I'm back on the road trip trail, but I once again have a full teaching load. And they're only getting me a supply teacher for the mornings I'm gone. So, my piano guys and a grade 12 learning skills class aren't getting classes when I'm gone. Talk about credit intergrity. But you know what, I don't have to sign off on the credits, so what do I care? It's just the idea. I want to be one or the other, which isn't going to happen either. I'm pretty sure that's a conspiracy to make me nuts. But in exciting news, I'm off for training this week from Sunday night to Wednesday night (probably - the agenda keeps changing). That's 3 nights at the Crown Plaza in a king bed by myself. It's been hot here recently. I'm looking forward to the space, and the lack of space heater in my bed with me.
Speaking of J, he's feeling much better. He's not done the antibiotics yet, but he's up and moving. He's also back at work, which thrills me to no end. He was home convalescing after the hospital, and it took me a while to figure out why I was so pissed at him when I came home from work every night. I mean, it wasn't a case that he felt like doing anything. It was just that I realized that in the summer when i was home and he was at work, the laundry got done, the bills got paid, the house got maintained, and the meals got made. With his being home and my working, I was still doing everything from the summer PLUS teaching. I was not in a good space for a bit. But he's back at work, and he's started making the bed every morning. It's not much, but it's a start.
The dining room table is still covered with stuff. I've given up. It is a project that may never be done, despite the despairing of J and the cleaning lady. I could pack everything up now and ship it to Goodwill and we wouldn't miss any of it. As generous as our friends and family were, I can't do that; but it's tempting.
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