So. Much.

Things have been happening here on the Mountain, and I've been remiss. Mostly, I just haven't been able to process lately. With school ending, trying to say goodbye to students who are wishing me a horrible year next year so that I come back to them, packing, preparing for a trip, dealing with contractors, and being so very tired, I haven't been here. With 6 days until we leave on vacation, I'm not sure how much I'll be here for the next little bit. Here are the things that currently consume my time, in no particular order: 1. The leak is *fingers crossed* fixed. We've had the room drywalled and plastered and painted. The hall has been painted too. Pictures forthcoming. Apparantly, I felt strongly about the leak. I have 15 pictures of the wall, the falling wallpaper, the stains on the ceiling that we looked at, trying to decide if it was mould. Carpet arrives this week. Frankly, the saga is a good one, and now that I'm not in it, I can probably be coherent enough to blog about it. 2. I got a new to me computer monitor. A 19" flatscreen. I luuurve it. Going from the beast that threatened to crack the glass shelf it sat upon to this little number is amazing. Silly things like technology shouldn't make me this happy. We also took our CPUs in to get them blown out after the drywall dust, and I got some more RAM and a better virus program so that I no longer have 2 conflicting program running simultaneously on my computer. It's still not as fast as J's, but I can do things on my computer! Like open Itunes in less than 5 minutes. 3. We booked a cruise for March Break this week. We cruised for our honeymoon, and frankly, developed a taste for it. J and I have been toying with it for a while now, and have decided that it's not going to get any cheaper with current energy prices. This also gives us an excuse to go and see his aunt in California before we go. I don't think it will be quite as plush as the cruise we took for our honeymoon (older, smaller ship and so on), but it will be nice. And a vacation is what you make it to be. 4. We leave in less than a week for our summer adventure - a 2.5 week road trip. J has never done anything like what we have planned, and it's been a long time since I have. We've got the GPS, the satellite radio, the reservations and itinerary. Now all we need to do is pack. Bleh. 5. I'm pretty sure that my new principal lives, eats, and breathes school. We're going to have to find a happy medium for the 2 of us. I need more balance than that. While there are things that I need to do before the first day of school, I can't spend time in the building right now. And I feel guilty about that. Argh. 6. I'm back to sleeping 10 or 11 hours at night. I'm hoping this soon will pass. I found at March Break this year I finally gave myself permission to be tired, and all I wanted to do was sleep. I'm back in that position again. I fall into bed at night and sleep like the dead. But I'm starting to feel rested during the day, so things are coming along. I think that's all...and it's quite a bit. I need to deal with so much in the office still, but I like how open and clean it looks. Everything is still stacked in the guest room, all over everything . I guess I can't have it both ways.

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